To get to know each new student by name, strength and need, all teachers hosted an August Meet and Greet and then met additionally with families for connection meetings.
All teachers facilitated student led conferences.
Staff worked in Professional Learning Communities to plan responsive instruction using data collected from teacher-created assessments
Social emotional learning was prioritized and emphasized throughout the day, including prioritization of a SEL block.
Partnered with Marvista PTSA to bring many enrichment field trip experiences including nature trail hikes and an in house visit from the Pacific Science Center.
Staff continued the implementation of ELA ARC (American Reading Company) Curriculum that focused on Reading Comprehension.
Staff continued implementation of our math curriculum, SFUSD.
Teachers continued implementing assessment tools, iReady, SBA IRLA, Panorama, PAST, RAN, and WA Kinds to ensure all students make social, emotional and academic growth.
Continued prioritization of a schoolwide Success Time (intervention and enrichment) in Reading and Math
Participated in the district Special Education Inclusion Pilot, Year Two, including focused learning on Universal Design and co-teaching
Continued partnership with John Knox Church to offer an after school enrichment program that included transportation
Partnered with Marvista PTSA to host after school enrichment programs, including Girls on the Run, Let Me Run, and Math Club
Fifth grade students participated in band, orchestra, or marimba ensemble
Launched a running club at PM recess for all students
Welcomed community to a fall meet and greet, student led conferences, literacy night, and grade leveled music performances
Staff developed and created two after school enrichment programs focused on physical fitness
Implemented a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), creating a robust and data driven student intervention program
Strengthened the Tier One Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) to include culturally responsive language, and revised behavior expectations, now called community agreements
Teachers continued to incorporate Social Justice Standards into instruction both SEL, IRI, and ELA lessons
Partnered with Marvista PTSA to fund school supplies for all students
Teachers engaged in professional learning on standards Based Instruction/Grading, Guided Language Acquisition Design (GLAD), Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and Data analysis Protocols (DAP)
Created partnership with Right at School, a before and after school enrichment program to be implemented in the 24-25 school year
Offered and year long after school spanish immersion program for students in 2nd and 3rd grade