Playground Expectations
Basic Recess Rules
- No throwing sticks, stones, dirt or other objects at others
- No name calling
- If you see a stranger, do not talk to them, especially if they do not have Visitor badge
- Play fighting is not allowed
- Eating and chewing gum not allowed during recess
- Running is only allowed on the field, not the blacktop
- When your recess bell rings, you must line up immediately
Field Rules
- No climbing fences, backstops or trees
- Running is only allowed on the field, not the blacktop area
- Digging is not allowed on the fields
- Keep balls away from the fences so they do not go over
- Do not leave the fenced area at any time: getting lost balls, talking to stranger or someone you know.
Game Rules
- All games must be played using league or PE rules. Referees or umpires must be chosen and rules of the game must be discussed and agreed upon prior to start of game. Locking anyone out of games is not allowed. You can’t say, “You can’t play”.
- Wall ball (using a tennis ball): the ball must be thrown above the designated line on the wall or you will sit out a turn. If the ball is thrown at the wall and it hits someone before it hits the wall, you will also sit out a turn.
- Tag may be played in the fields only. Absolutely no tag games will be allowed on or around the big toy, walkways or around the buildings.
- Soccer/football/basketball/baseball: No tackling, slide tackling, pushing, shoving, pulling on clothes, unnecessary roughness or unsportsmanlike conduct will be allowed. Tennis balls and plastic bats only may be used for softball and baseball games. Soccer balls are to be used only on the fields.
- Tennis baseball/kickball: Teammates waiting their turn to bat must stand against the backstop. Play may not begin until all teammates are off the field. Teams must be fair: Rules will be agreed upon before play begins.
- Tetherball: The first player waiting in line starts the game by dropping the ball against the pole. After three wins in a row, that player will give up their turn and go to the end of the line. Play continues until the ball is tethered or until ONE of the following faults occurs:
- crossing line into opponents territory
- holding the pole
- touching the rope
- holding the ball
- touching the ball more than once per side
General Recess Behavior Expectations
Students will prevent bullying in my school by:
- Treating everyone respectfully
- Refusing to bully others
- Refusing to let others be bullied
- Refusing to watch, laugh, or join in when someone is being bullied
- Trying to include everyone in play, especially those who are often left out
- Reporting bullying to an adult
Students will be in the right place at the right time:
- In the classroom
- Lined up for buses or outside
- In the lunchroom
- Outside before school starts (unless otherwise directed)
- After school, leave the school and playground
Students will move safely to, from, and on the school grounds by:
- Walking in and around the building
- Getting picked up in the correct places after school
- Staying on the sidewalks
- Using the crosswalks
- Sitting on the bus
Playground Emergency Plan
In case of an emergency on the playground, the supervisors will blow their whistles for one continuous five second interval. Students are to stop, look, and listen for instructions from the playground supervisors. After each instance the supervisors will radio into the office for further instructions.
Situation |
Action |
Lightening |
Students will be directed to go into the building at the nearest door. |
Earthquake |
Students and staff will drop and cover. Supervisors will direct the students to assemble on the soccer field after the quake. |
Lockdown Or Intruder |
Students will be directed to go into the building at the nearest door. |
Lunchroom Rules
Students will:
- Follow Directions of Lunchroom Supervisors
- Respect Others
- Use Good Manners
- Stay Seated
- Clean-Up and Recycle
Assembly Expectations
Students will:
- Arrive quietly in a straight line.
- Sit close to one another with legs crossed and hands in laps.
- Follow the directions of the assembly leader.
- Be active listeners.
- Applaud politely.
- Remain seated until the teacher stands.
- Leave quietly.